COURT HOUSE — Middle Township Mayor Dan Lockwood has announced that he will seek a second term on Township Committee.
“We have only just begun the hard work required to bring lower taxes and more open and responsive government to Middle Township,” said Lockwood in a press release. “Our commitment to a zero tax increase budget draws a line in the sand. Now we must put the reforms in place that put us on a path to reducing our debt and to easing the tax burden on our residents. “
Lockwood became the first Republican to win election to the governing body in over 40 years in 2009. The election last fall of a second Republican, Tim Donohue, swung the committee majority to the GOP side. Lockwood was named as Mayor at the Jan. 4 committee reorganization.
“For two years, as the minority member of Committee, I waged a sometimes lonely battle to restrain the rising costs of local government and bring better practices to the operation of Town Hall,” Lockwood said. “I fought to open up the process to more citizen involvement and reduce the influence of special interests in Middle Township. I’m proud of the checks and balances I was able to provide.”
As mayor, Lockwood joined with Donohue to bring a new, positive energy to Town Hall.
“All the simple fixes, tweaking around the edges and reducing staffing through attrition, have been exhausted,” Lockwood said. “We are proposing bold and innovative approaches to government that question every expenditure and encourage our employees to think outside the box.”
The new majority has proposed a zero tax increase budget, reduced the cost of township professionals and revitalized the township’s volunteer boards. Steps are being taken to improve the quality of life and bring new recreation opportunities to the Rio Grande area. Township Committee has proposed a plan to collaborate with the township
employees to bring better practices and reduced costs to Town Hall. The township is also on a path, approved by the County Tax Assessment Board, to have all property values reassessed by the end of 2012.
According to the release, Lockwood, a small business owner with a degree in accounting from Glassboro State
College, is familiar with complex budgets. He served as financial officer for Driftwood Camping Resort Inc. and Sand Barrens Golf Course. Lockwood has set a goal of paying down the Township debt by 2016.
“A leap in debt service this year was one of the main obstacles we faced in reaching a zero tax increase. I do not buy into the status quo of steadily increasing the township’s debt load. It is time that the township began making the same tough decisions that taxpayers have been making for years at their own kitchen tables.”
Lockwood believes this election will offer a clear choice to voters.
“Tim Donohue and I are committed to moving forward, with the people of Middle Township, to a bright and realistic future of lower taxes, better government, stabilized property values and small business growth opportunities,” said the mayor.
“Our opponents will want to go back.” Lockwood asserted. “Back to the tired status quo of never-ending tax increases, special treatment for special interests and ever-increasing debt. They will want to go back to avoiding the economic realities we face today, by once again shifting the burden to the taxpayers. The time for that approach has passed. The election of 2011 proved that fact. The election of 2012 will affirm it. We are moving
forward, together.”
Dan Lockwood resides in Court House with his wife Sylvia and daughters, Megan and Danielle. He has served on the Middle Township Planning Board and the Middle Township Chamber of Commerce. He has volunteered for many local charities and enjoys coaching youth soccer in the Middle Township recreation program.
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