COURT HOUSE – Middle Township Committeeman Theron “Ike” Gandy, newly appointed to oversee Public Works and Sewer in Middle Township, has called for a comprehensive study of the township’s sewer infrastructure and billing methodology.
Gandy cited the rising costs of sewer flow to the county Municipal Utilities Authority, aging sewer pump stations and piping and uneven billing practices as three reasons driving the need to study the Sewer Department’s operations, with an eye towards long term improvements.
“After meeting with our Sewer Department employees, as well as the leadership of the Cape May County MUA, I see the need for a comprehensive, long-range plan to modernize our sewer system,” Gandy stated in a release. “Aging terra cotta piping, inefficient pump stations and intrusion into our system are all affecting efficiency and driving up the cost of our system to the sewer customers.”
Gandy lauded Sewer Supervisor Steve Mills and his crew for their efforts to keep the aging system running smoothly. The older sections of the system have not been upgraded in many decades.
“Steve and his crew do a great job,” Gandy noted. “But, as other towns improve and upgrade their systems to reduce flow and the associated costs to the county MUA, Middle’s portion of those costs have risen, putting pressure on the township to raise some sewer rates.”
Gandy plans to meet again with county MUA officials on Jan. 25, to discuss 2019 costs and efforts to reduce flow through improvements to the system and public information on water conservation.
Gandy said the township would look to hire a Sewer Consultant in the near future.
“We need the expertise to look at the big picture here,” Gandy said. “The investment in professional services and infrastructure improvements is necessary and worthwhile to ensure we have a modern sewer system that protects the environment, can handle our future needs and, over time, reduces the cost to the system’s users.”
Cape May County – I would probably be a lefty if they weren’t so bent on bankrupting us both financially and morally.