CREST HAVEN — Before a standing-room-only crowd of well wishers and fellow Republicans, Freeholder Leonard Desiderio, surrounded by his parents, spouse, daughter and nephews, took his oath from long-time friend, Administrator Stephen O’Connor on Wednesday, Jan. 6.
The brief ceremony in the Freeholders Meeting Room of the County Administration Building on Moore Road, began with members of the Sea Isle City VFW Post 1963 Color Guard presenting the flag, and Pastor Andrew Surace of Covenant Life Christian Fellowship Church, Seaville, singing the National Anthem on about five minutes notice. That was because Russell Briggs, of the Sea Isle City VFW post could not attend.
No changes took place on the board: Daniel Beyel was voted director and Ralph E. Sheets Jr. was again selected vice director.
All freeholders expressed thanks for the work done by county employees, especially during the recent snow storm.
They also predicted a tough year ahead, with revenues down, and other “difficult decisions” to be made in the coming months.
Sheets reminded everyone that the job of county government, or any government, was to serve the people, and do what is best for those who pay taxes.
Cape May County – Reading a letter to the editor I was rather appalled that a former teacher thinks she’s doing good by investing and advising illegal immigrants on how to further circumvent the law. A more ethical…