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Monday, September 16, 2024


Firm Presents Open Space Logo, Design Concepts

Matt Leasure

By Erin Ledwon

CREST HAVEN – Designing Local, a Columbus, Ohio firm, revealed the results of a creative placemaking initiative for the county Division of Open Space and Farmland Preservation June 11.
Freeholders approved the contract with the firm for $136,178 in August 2018.
According to Leslie Gimeno, Planning Department director, “creative placemaking is a blend of professional planning, landscape architecture, graphic design, market and marketing, basically to brand public spaces to create unifying designs for use in our Open Space program, and consistent themes, consistent visual amenities and consistent quality.”
The purpose is to build recognition of the Open Space program and the taxpayers’ contributions towards it, Gimeno continued.
Matt Leasure and Josh Lapp, both principals at Designing Local, walked freeholders through the placemaking process, which included four phases:
1)     Discovery – site analysis, stakeholder engagement, and program development
2)     Ideation – preliminary concepts and testing and discussions
3)     Design Development – concept development and refinement and preliminary documentation
4)     Documentation – final design details and plan document completion
During the discovery phase, the company traveled to and took photographs of various locations and elements throughout the county to “drive some of the creative process,” said Leasure.
Surveys were taken to help with the design process, including questions like ‘what color comes to mind when you think of Cape May County?’ and ‘what is your first memory of Cape May County?’ Blue and green were popular answers for color, while words like beach, boardwalk, fishing, and family surfaced for first memories.
When asked ‘what is your favorite thing about Cape May County?’ several themes emerged. “Diversity of places, slower pace and beauty, a lot of discussion about the natural environment and the lifestyle of the county,” said Leasure. “Those were important themes that we wanted to incorporate into the brand identity and some of the placemaking elements.”
That’s when Leasure revealed the Open Space logo, that of an osprey, wings outstretched, a fish in its talons, with the words ‘Open Spaces Cape May County’ beneath it. “The osprey is the symbol that best represents the whole county,” said Leasure.
He provided examples of how the logo might be used, from letterheads to sign concepts to kiosks and pole banners.
Leasure presented several different colors and patterns that could be used for placemaking elements, like furnishings and shelters, in five different types of environments: coastal, marshland, woodland, agricultural, and urban and historic. That allows for a different look and feel, while using the same ingredients, he said.
Beesley’s Point was used as a demonstration site to show the firm’s work. Leasure remarked on improvements to the fishing pier, boardwalk, shelter, a new restroom, improved parking, and bike path connection.
3-D renderings showed what pedestrians and cyclists would see coming into the county from the Garden State Parkway Bridge, as well as provided a view of the shelter, which would include a bottle-filling station, picnic tables, receptacles, etc.
Leasure also showed a trailhead concept for locations located inland along the bike trail, with a shelter, picnic tables, signage, etc.
The firm is finalizing the plan document, which will be available for use by municipalities that participated in the program, said Leasure.
Edward Barr, deputy mayor for Upper Township, praised the firm’s work at the demonstration site. “I hope that this ends up becoming a model throughout the entire township where we utilize the taxpayers’ money for relaxation and leisure, which is greatly needed throughout our entire county,” said Barr.
Freeholders complimented the firm’s work.
“As taxpayers’ money goes into not only acquiring open space but improving these open spaces, sometimes it’s hard for them to recognize that the property’s been purchased or approved because it hasn’t really had a meaningful look,” said Freeholder Will Morey.
“We hope that this connecting ribbon of amenities, graphics, site furniture, the banners, the lighting, the whole thing comes together to create a value and make Cape May County even more of a special place than it already is,” Morey continued.    

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