SEA ISLE CITY – The inscription on the James Farley Post Office in New York City reads, “Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds,” but there’s no mention of hurricanes.
For public service workers in this city, not a hurricane or even a jolt of electricity kept them from doing their jobs.
During City Council’s Nov. 13 meeting, Council President William Kehner said in the first week after the storm roared through, Public Works employees had moved over 703 tons of storm debris.
“From Oct. 31 to Nov. 7 we had 53 tons of metals collected,” added City Administrator George Savastano.
According to Savastano, the metal collected was scrapped for money, which will total in the tens of thousands of dollars.
“We’ve been having quite a few of these scrappers coming in that want to grab the metal,” said Kehner, who applauded the city’s police department for ticketing the scrappers.
The council president shared an example of several Public Works employees who went above and beyond the call of duty.
According to Kehner, a trash truck made contact with a live, downed electrical wire the morning of Nov. 1.
“One of our trash trucks turned the corner at 29th and Landis and found a live wire. It hit the truck. Two men were able to jump off but they got a shock. The driver sat inside. He refused to go to the hospital and stayed on his route so he could get this city cleaned up.”
Kehner added the two workers who received shocks were taken to a local emergency room for treatment and were released. Both immediately returned to their job.
“That goes to the dedication that these individuals all have,” said Kehner.
“People say to me ‘Why do you live in Sea Isle? Why don’t you live in Ocean City or Avalon or Wildwood or Cape May,’” said Kehner. “This storm tells it all. Everyone in this community came together so well.”
Rio Grande – Why In the world would you put a huge pile of snow in the middle of a parking lot? What happens when it melts and refreezes?