CREST HAVEN – County department heads were present, as directed, at the March 22 hearing for the county’s $151.3-million budget. As in years past, few from the public attended, and they did not pose any questions about the spending plan. Thus the budget passed by unanimous vote of freeholders.
The amount to be raised from taxes is $103.7 million up from $101.1 million in 2015. Anticipated revenues are up to $47.6 million, compared with $44.9 million last year.
The tax rate will increase by under a half cent and the tax levy increased 2.6 percent.
According to Director Gerald Thornton’s budget message, “The county equalized tax rate will be .218 cents per $100 of assessed value. While it will vary, depending on ratio of assessed value, the average taxpayer will pay $218 per $100,000 of assessed value to support county government.
As Thornton spoke of the budget later that day before the Cape May County League of Municipalities in Cape May, he quipped, “We passed our budget without one public comment. The county today, we really had a good day. We passed the Tech School budget. They did an outstanding job. They came in flat. The Special School District came in, their budget is just super. The increase is .62 percent, less than 1 percent, outstanding.”
Create Task Force
The board created a county CBRNE/HAZMAT Task Force and appointed members.
Response will be for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives, as well as hazardous materials.
Team leader is Anthony Robinson, coordinator. Members: Heather Carr Johnson, Jennifer Fairman, Honey Pron, Ed Dean, Mike Eck, Dale Gentek, Arthur Hayden, Brad Ladislaw, James Sampson, Harry Wozunk, Ed Zebrowski. All will serve until Dec. 31, 2016.
In other business the board:
Awarded to Trinity Services Group, Inc., doing business as Trinity Corrections Group Inc., three-year contract with two one-year options to supply food to the county Correctional Center inmates for $1.57 per meal, and staff $1.97 per meal. Purchasing Agent Kevin Lare said the entity had a “very strong contract history with the jail.”
Passed a resolution urging the governor and Legislature to dedicate funding for counties to offset costs associated with implementing and administering Criminal Justice Reform. That reform will mean sheriff’s officers and courts must be available for bail hearings throughout weekends. The county believes it should not be made to bear the cost of that state initiative. An Assembly bill (A3421) would establish such a fund.
Awarded open-end contract with Bob Barker Co. Inc. for inmate supplies, clothing and bedding for the Department of Corrections.
Renewed subcontract with Coalition Against Rape and Abuse (C.A.R.A.) for domestic violence shelter services for $79,468 through Dec. 31.
Changed interest rate on commercial fishing revolving loans two 2 percent from 3 percent for new loans to qualifying businesses. In separate action authorized a $300,000 commercial fishing revolving loan to South Jersey Marina, 1231 Route 109, Cape May with a term of seven years at the new rate 2 percent. The enabling resolution noted that it contributes to “the economic development of the industry as well as the creation/retention of jobs for low and moderate income persons…”
Reappointed Patrick Rosenello of North Wildwood to the Cape May County Bridge Commission for three years. His term will expire May 1, 2019.
Reappointed William R. Callahan to the county Construction Board of Appeals with a term that expires Dec. 14, 2019.
Authorized an agreement to allow Wetlands Productions LLC to utilize Ocean Drive (CR 619) and to cross the Grassy Sound Bridge during filming of “Wetlands” the movie April 6 (rain date April 11).
Accepted proposal of KMA Consulting Engineering Inc. for $369,527 for engineering services for design of Goshen Road (CR 615) improvement in Middle Township.
Del Haven – To the Middle Twp. Police administrator who said he was on the outside looking in at the police dept.. You are correct. You have no idea what you are doing and how you make your officers feel. You…