CAPE MAY – Cape May has moved closer to enacting an ordinance regulating single-use plastic bags and other plastic packaging.
At the Cape May City Council meeting Sept. 3, the governing body heard from members of the Environmental Commission and also began reviewing two draft ordinances prepared by Solicitor Frank Corrado. Support for regulating the use of plastic products was strong.
Three issues stood out in the discussion of the drafts.
The city must decide on the scope of the regulations in terms of the range of products. Avalon and Stone Harbor have extended the constraints on plastic and other non-recyclable products to a wide range of takeout food containers, utensils, and straws. Corrado has made use of the ordinances adopted by both boroughs.
Another issue discussed involved timing, and centered on the need for notice to local businesses that may be in the process of ordering supplies for next summer.
A related issue to timing was the potential establishment of a limited exemption process for businesses who would not have used up existing supplies by an implementation date of an ordinance.
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