CREST HAVEN – The construction of a Child Advocacy Center was approved by the county’s Board of County Commissioners, at their April 27 meeting.
The structure will cost $886,081, a price that exceeded the board’s expectation by about $150,000 due, in part, to the increased price of lumber.
Aliano Brothers General Contractors Inc., of Vineland, was deemed the lowest responsible bidder of six who submitted in response to a March 3 call for bids.
The center will be operated by the County Prosecutor’s Office personnel.
In keeping with the above topic, the board proclaimed April as Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month. The document noted the importance of “protecting our most vulnerable citizens from harm.”
Further, it noted that over 3 million American children are reported abused and neglected annually. That includes 40,000 in New Jersey.
Fishing Loan Ok’d
Another resolution awarded an $86,188 commercial fishing revolving loan to Carmen’s Lobster Pool Inc., of Sea Isle City.
The seven-year loan carries a 2% interest rate. Such loans are dispersed to bolster the local commercial fishing industry. Part of its intent is to create jobs for low-and moderate-income persons.
CodeRed Emergency Notification
The board approved a subscription service, known as CodeRed Emergency Notification System, for $21,000 annually. The systemallows the Office of Emergency Management to warn the public via cell phone of impending danger. The term, which began March 1, lasts for three years.
May Designations
In separate resolutions, the board designated May as Mental Health Awareness Month and Military Appreciation Month.
The resolution noted mental illness affects one in five adults in any given year. It states that half of chronic mental illness begins by age 14 and three-quarters by age 24.
It states all citizens and communities “can make a difference in helping end the silence and stigma that for too long has surrounded mental illness and discouraged people from getting help.”
Regarding military appreciation, that resolution stated, “It is important to acknowledge the contributions of the many individuals who have served in the U.S. armed forces since the inception of the armed forces.”
It also recognized the various veterans’ service organizations that assist in many ways, including the American Legion, AMVETS, DAV, Marine Corps League, Vietnam Veterans of American, as well as Elks and
Moose lodges that aid veterans.
Hudanich Appointed
Dr. Nancy Hudanich, superintendent of the county Technical School District, was appointed as a member of the Cumberland, Salem, Cape May County Workforce Development Board. Her term continues from March 1, 2020, until Feb. 28, 2023.
ARC Marks 60th Year
A resolution recognized the ARC of Cape May County on attaining its 60th anniversary.
The organization “was formed in 1961 by parents who were determined to ensure the most full and independent lives possible for their children with intellectual and developmental disabilities,” according to the document.
Services provided by ARC include residential, day employment, and advocacy to mostly county residents, the resolution states.
Diamond Beach – Back in 2020, weren't the Trump supporters criticizing the Dems accusing them of trying to defund the police? Well, it seems that Donald and his DOGE mastermind are up to the same task. They are…