Thursday, January 16, 2025


Voters Reject Villas Fire Budget


By Erin Ledwon

UPDATE: Later figures show that Villas fire district budget passed, with 107 voting yes and 75 voting no.

COURT HOUSE – Voters in Lower Township Fire District No. 1, Villas, rejected their fire district’s budget Feb. 19, with 70 voting yes and 74 voting no. The budget will now go before Lower Township Council for consideration.   

All other fire district budgets passed, according to results posted on the Cape May County Clerk’s election website. 

There were only two contested races for fire commissioner. 

In Middle Township Fire District No. 2, Rio Grande, Jean M. Zimmerman, with 109 votes, and J. Gregory Neill, with 82 votes, outpolled James R. Snyder, with 60 votes, and Kirby Stiltner, with 55 votes, with one vote to abstain. 

Ron Mayne and Samuel Repici retained their seats in Upper Township Fire District No. 2, Tuckahoe, with 55 and 72 votes, respectively. Challengers Justin Hope and Christopher Geib received 41 and 36 votes, respectively.  


Dennis Township 

Fire District No. 1,Ocean View 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Joseph Gurdgiel, 73; John Berg, 73 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$439,000: Yes, 58; No, 18 

Fire District No. 2,Dennisville 

Board of Fire Commissioners, full, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Edward Beck, 44; Carla Coffey, 40 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$349,672: Yes, 41; No, 6 

Fire District No. 3,Belleplain 

Board of Fire Commissioners, full term, vote forone 

William Hilton Jr., 41 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$190,406.49: Yes, 30; No, 13  


Lower Township 

Fire District No. 1, Villas 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote for one 

Carrise Mornick, 120; Blank, 2; Karen Esslinger, 1 

Budget:$644,263.89 with $594,263.89 to be raised by taxation: Yes, 70; No, 74 

Fire District No. 2, Town Bank 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote for one 

James H. Andrews Jr., 245; Michael Gallo, 2; Joseph O’Neil, 1; Capt. Tom Carroll, 1; Daffy Duck, 1; Adrenne Defuria, 1; Eric Kabaton, 1; Randy G. Yarnasky, 1; Robert H. Thompson, 1  

Budget: $1,620,731.63 with $1,035,100 to be raised by taxation: Yes, 220; No, 57 

Fire District No. 3, Erma 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote for one 

Allyn Devlin, 95; Gregory Boris, 1 

Budget: $1,368,919 with $859,176 to be raised by taxation: Yes, 74; No, 36  


Middle Township 

Fire District No. 1, Court House 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Lewis P. Hand Jr., 225; Philip B. Woodrow Sr., 216; Blank, 8; John Cox, 1 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$1,470,213: Yes, 174; No, 92 

Fire District No. 2, Rio Grande 

Board of Fire Commissioners, full, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Jean M. Zimmerman, 109; J. Gregory Neill, 82; James R. Snyder, 60; Kirby Stiltner, 55; Abstain, 1 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$718,450: Yes,107; No, 44 

Fire District No. 3, Green Creek 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Edward J. Lord Jr., 39; Clay Simmons, 38 

Budget: $545,494 with $545,494 to be raised by taxation: Yes, 38; No, 3 

Fire District No. 4, Goshen 

Board of Fire Commissioners, full, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Cristina McKenney, 42; Joseph Eagan, 41; A. Aliano, 1 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$231,500: Yes, 33; No, 13  


Upper Township 

Fire District No. 1, Strathmere 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Karen Mitchell, 30; Joseph Boland, 28; Blank, 1  

Budget to be raised by taxation:$99,695.9: Yes, 25; No, 4 

Fire District No. 2, Tuckahoe 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Samuel Repici, 72;Ron Mayne, 55; Justin Hope, 41; Christopher Geib, 36  

Budget to be raised by taxation:$539,300: Yes, 79; No, 17 

Fire District No. 3, Marmora 

Board of Fire Commissioners, three-year term, vote for one 

Jeffrey Pierson Jr., 129 

Budget to be raised by taxation:$673,188: Yes, 93; No, 40 

Fire District No. 4,Seaville 

Board of Fire Commissioners, full, three-year term, vote fortwo 

Edward Buchannan, 87; Charles (Butch) Weil, 83 

Budget: $608,618 with $599,343 to be raised by taxation: Yes, 87; No, 10 

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