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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Ponderlodge Fire Ruled Arson


By Jack Fichter

VILLAS — The fire that destroyed the mansion at the former Ponderlodge Golf course Sept. 29 just after midnight has been determined to have been intentionally set, said Lower Township Police Chief Edward Donohue on Tuesday Oct. 7.
Investigators reported the fire originated in the front living room of the mansion, an area not being supplied with electricity.
The fire was investigated with the assistance of Lower Township police, state Police Arson Investigation Unit, county Prosecutor’s Office and Lower Township Bureau of fire Safety.
Anyone having information about the fire is asked to call Lower Township Police Department’s Safe Neighborhoods Tip Line at 609-886-1619 ext 156 or Cape May County Crime Stoppers at 609-465-2800. Information will remain confidential and may be reported anonymously.
State officials advised Donohue they would move to demolish and remove what remains of the building within the next 30 days.
At an Oct. 6 Lower Township Council meeting, Township Manager Joe Jackson said the state was recommending that the other building at Ponderlodge be torn down because in their opinion “it is a life/safety hazard…”
Lower Township Mayor Walter Craig called the fire at Ponderlodge “inevitable.”
One year ago, the mayor called the former Ponderlodge, now named Villas Wildlife Management Area, “an accident waiting to happen.”
During public comment, a resident asked if the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the owner of the property, would reimburse the township for the expenses it bears from police and fire protection of Ponderlodge.
Craig said he did not believe the township received any revenue from the state for the services it provides.
“We want to see those buildings torn down,” he said. “In the same sense, not only do we want to see the buildings torn down, we want to see the state do what they said they would do.”
The state Division of Fish and Wildlife created a draft plan calling for restoration of habitat that will result in the creation/enhancement of 140 acres of forests, 15 acres of wetlands, 22 acres of grasslands, 14 acres of meadows, six acres of “scrub-shrub habitat, and five vernal pools.
The proposed design “maximizes use of the site for wildlife, outdoor recreation, wildlife viewing, and environmental education.”
Craig said the township assumes some responsibility for protecting the property but “should not be bearing the burden of what we are bearing now particularly when the state is no showing no good faith at all.”
He thanked the township’s fire departments for their response and those of surrounding towns that provided mutual aid. He said firefighters did a great job containing the fire.
Craig also thanked Lower Township police for their work securing the site and the long hours they spent at Ponderlodge following the fire.
Lower Township Taxpayers Association President Janet Pitts said she was concerned with dense growth in Ponderlodge with homes nearby.
“I think it is a fire hazard in and of itself,” she said. “You could get a lightning strike or careless smoking.”
Pitts suggested DEP cut a 30 to 40 foot firebreak close to neighboring residences.
Jackson said the state has plans to plant more heavy growth along the fence line as a buffer. He said the township would discuss the matter with DEP.
The state plans to remove Shawmount Avenue and plant more trees, said Jackson.

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