Sunday, February 9, 2025


Dennis 3.8.2006

By Rick Racela

I had a great lesson in perspective yesterday when I drove the family Civic through the Route 47 and 83 construction the other morning.
The tradition in my house is the guy with the shortest commute gets the oldest car.
Lucky me, I’m two miles from work. 
Perhaps you remember my escapades in my 1987 Prelude.
Normally, I’m cruising to work in the `99 Taurus Wagon, feeling secure during my navigation through the traffic, construction vehicles and towering cranes hammering pilings into the creek bed inches from where I am driving.
I thought the adventure was extreme in the station wagon, but cruising past in the Civic it was a real eye-opener.
Thankfully, I was comforted by the flashing lights of the State Trooper’s car. 
Hey, all you Rat Pack fans.
The Marmora Church of the Resurrection is hosting a bus trip to Atlantic City on March 21.
Call Joe at 624-1110 for details.  
The spring sports season is upon us.
Be sure your kid has a signed permission slip to participate in school sports.
Even if they’ve participated in fall and winter sports, each season needs a new permission slip signed.
The school doctor will be in to do physicals on March 14 and 16 for anyone who hasn’t had one this year.
Get your paper work in to the nurse’s office.
Anyone who is lucky enough to be home watching the Today Show last week may have witnessed history.
Ray Haig shed his wild head of hair for a great cause, his birthday and Locks for Love.
Hard to believe that his tangle of curls stretched out to the minimum number of inches needed.
Nice job, Ray. Your unselfish act is appreciated by the folks who will benefit from your gift and let’s face it, your mother has to be pretty happy, too.
Have you visited the Schoolhouse Museum’s new web page yet?
Check out the site by going to and clicking on the museum link.
There are pictures and information you can use.
Hard work and dedication make this part of our township’s heritage stay alive.
Check out the site and see how you can become a volunteer helping to keep our history alive.
Lace up your Adidas, Nikes or Chuck Taylor’s.
Join the crowd participating in the March of Dimes Walk America on the Wildwood boardwalk April 30.
Call Ruth Thraen at 861-2450 for info on how to get your team organized.
Congratulations to Mrs. Aspenburg’s fifth grade science students for their winning mural presented at the Kids Can Expo 2006 at the Cape May Convention Center.
The kids from our school took top honors over all the other fifth grades that participated from the county.
School board and budget elections are April 18.
That also happens to be right smack in the middle of Spring Break.
Pick up your absentee ballot in the office at school.
Whatever you do, don’t miss out on the opportunity to vote.
There are several informational meeting scheduled throughout the community.
March 27 the first presentation is at the Oceanview Fire Hall and March 29 the meeting will be at the Belleplain VFW.
Both meetings begin at 7 p.m. and are sponsored by the Home and School Association.
Use this opportunity to ask questions and get important information.
The district is bringing new technology to the classrooms and the playground equipment is slated to be installed this spring at the Primary School.
There’s a lot of exciting activities happening in both buildings.
Your best chance to check that stuff out is at the Open House on April 12 at the elementary school.
Lance Hammell is at it again with some help from his friends in the Dennis Township Municipal Alliance and the Basketball Association.
Hot Shots Competition has become a tradition in our township.
Our very own March Madness.
Students in grades five through eight can register to compete in this exciting basketball skills challenge on March 24.
It’s nice to see so many people using the walking trail at the rec.
Please be sure to utilize the doggie bags generously provided by the rec department.
Brace yourself for GEPA week.
Hold your breath, close your eyes and it’ll be over before you know it.
Call me with your stuff.

Spout Off

Cape May County – I would probably be a lefty if they weren’t so bent on bankrupting us both financially and morally.

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Avalon – Atlantic City is doing beach replenishments using a technique I have never seen. They aren’t trucking in harvested sand nor using dredging. Rather, at low tide they have a swarm of bulldozers go into…

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Cape May – The only requirement to be the head of the FAA should be an experienced pilot or air traffic controller. One who has been in emergency situations and knows how to lead a team. During his or her…

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