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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Deadline for boating grants approaches

By On Deck Staff

The BoatU.S. Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has a great way for your local non-profit boating organi-zation to help keep our waterways safe—but time is running out.
The Foundation’s Boating Safety Grant program offers individual grants of up to $4,000 for boating safety projects. However, to have a chance at funding organizations need to apply by the Nov. 1 deadline. A total of $50,000 is avail-able for this campaign.
Over the past 20 years, the Founda-tion has awarded over $800,000 to or-ganizations that have developed crea-tive projects to promote safe boating on local waterways.
Some of them include producing movie theatre public service announce-ments, flying a blimp with safety mes-saging above popular boating spots, and the creation of an interactive, down-loadable chart highlighting local safety concerns.
While all applications will be consid-ered, the foundation will give preferen-tial consideration to grant proposals that incorporate new and innovative ideas that focus on how to reduce alco-hol related fatalities.
To download an application and learn more about these boating safety grants, visit or call 800-245-2628, ext. 8354.
Grant applications must be e-mailed or postmarked on or before Nov. 1, and will be announced in January 2009.

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