ERMA — The Lower Township Police Depart-ment reports that the following defendants had their cases heard in court or paid fines prior to a hearing. Municipal Court Judge David DeWeese sentenced:
David Owen, 24, of Villas, criminal mischief. $408 fine and costs.
Trevor Seer, 19, unsafe driving. $389 fine and costs.
Richard Craig II, 24, of Villas, driving while intoxicated. $764 fine and costs; seven months drivers license suspension.
Samuel Schmucker, 23, of Villas, throwing debris from vehicle. $239 fine and costs.
Anthony Chiaro, 37, of Rio Grande, driving while intoxicated. $614 fine and costs; three months drivers licene revocation.
Ryan Livingston, 20, of Woodbine, driving while intoxicated. $664 fine and costs; seven months drivers license revocation.
Kevin Kelly Pallanta, 19, of Villas, driving while intoxicated; careless driving; fail to report an accident, and leaving the scene of an accident. $ 1,081 fine and costs.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?