NORTH WILDWOOD – A three-hour search Sunday Aug. 21 beginning about 6 p.m., following a report of a body in the water in Hereford Inlet, produced no results.
State Police Spokesman Sgt. Julian Castellanos said the report of a body in the surf was “unfounded.”
North Wildwood police, State Police, the U.S. Coast Guard, fire personnel and lifeguards searched until dark. Initial reports indicated the location of the body near Pine Avenue.
Herald photographer, Robert Newkirk, on scene, reported numerous rescue personnel in the water on surfboards, wave runners and boats. At 7:30 p.m., lifeguards were called out of the surf.
At 8 p.m. with darkness approaching, a body had not been located. Fire rescue personnel cleared the scene to allow the Coast Guard to search the area.
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…