CAPE MAY – A group called Friends of the Cape May Fisherman’s Memorial is organizing to make sure the monument is maintained and names of the deceased are added to the memorial stone.
In addition, the group hopes to set up a scholarship fund for family members of commercial fishermen who lost their lives at sea.
“Our number one purpose is making sure the memorial is taken care of,” said Gretchen Ferrante, director of the Nature Center of Cape May, who has been assisting with the care of the Fishermen’s Memorial.
She said when the Fisherman’s Memorial was first built, extra funding was given to the City of Cape May to be placed in a restricted account to be used for maintenance. Ferrante said the group has discussed taking back the funds from the city.
The city used some of the funds to replace five of the eight trees that had died around the memorial with the help of the Shade Tree Commission, she said.
Ferrante said the city has limited staff to take care of every public garden in the city. Students, Coast Guard recruits and Garden Club of Cape May volunteers have helped spruce up the landscaping around the memorial.
“With the sinking of the Lady Mary, there is an effort afoot to make sure the new names are added as soon as possible,” she said.
Ferrante said Jeff Reichle of Lunds Fisheries is working to get the Lady Mary crew added to the memorial before a service June 19.
The first event of Friends of the Cape May Fisherman’s Memorial will be a Blessing of the Waters ceremony and memorial service for those lost aboard the Lady Mary which sank following an accident 65 miles off Cape May on March 24. The service will take place at 7 p.m. June 19 at the Fisherman’s Memorial at the end of Missouri Avenue on the harbor.
Three local pastors will participate in the service along with the Coast Guard Recruit Band.
Ferrante said at least 20 family members of Lady Mary crewmembers from North Carolina are expected to attend the service.
A reception will be held before and after the service at the Nature Center of Cape May, 1600 Delaware Avenue that will feature artwork depicting commercial fisherman and the sea.
Those interested in joining the Friends of the Cape May Fisherman’s Memorial may contact Ferrante at 609-898-8848 or via e-mail at
Cape May County – I would probably be a lefty if they weren’t so bent on bankrupting us both financially and morally.