PHILADELPHIA– A Philadelphia woman is seeking to find a man who came to her aid following a head-on crash that occurred on July 6, on Route 50 in Petersburg.
Alexis Nagy, 25, was seriously injured in the crash. Nagy had to be airlifted to Atlanticare Regional Trauma Center in Atlantic City for treatment of a compound fracture and severe bleeding.
Nagy says if it was not for a man who came to her aid she may have lost her arm or died from the severe bleeding. “I don’t remember much of that day, but I do know an off duty fireman saw the accident and he basically saved me. He wrapped my arm tightly in a blanket, and I remember him talking me through everything to stay conscience, until the EMTs arrived. He stayed with me the whole time, I was losing a lot of blood, and we all thought I was going to lose my arm, but I honestly think that if it wasn’t for him seeing the crash, and coming over to help me, I could have bled to death.” She said.
Nagy wants to personally thank the man who came to her aid however she has been unable to track the mystery man down. Nagy says she was disoriented after the crash and can’t exactly recall if the man said he was an off duty fireman or retired.
The Tuckahoe Fire Department responded to the crash. Chief William Chatten checked his records and said the man was not part off their department. Chatten said he did see the gentleman Nagy is looking for leaving early on during the incident. Chatten says he knows most of the Upper Township emergency personnel and he is sure he is not one of them.
Nagy said she wants to let the man know that she really appreciates everything he did for her and I wants’ to thank the man personally.
Nagy is asking anyone who may know who the man was to contact the Herald so she can personally thank him.
Contact Scheeler at or 609-404-6515
Stone Harbor – Come on CNN, FOX shows democrat AND republican news! Get with it or you are going to lose again. DeSantis was just now and you CNN did not show it. How are people going to get fair and balanced news…