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Saturday, September 21, 2024


Car Drives Off Road at 2 Mile Landing


By Herald Staff

DIAMOND BEACH – A car driven by an older man, on the road between Diamond Beach and Cape May, veered off path and into the frigid waters Mar. 3. 
Wildwood Crest Fire Chief Ron Harwood, who was on the scene, said the driver indicated a bird was flying low in front of the vehicle and the driver swerved to avoid it, but ended up off the road and in the marsh. 
Wildwood Crest Fire Department responded, as well as Lower Township Police Department, but by the time they arrived the driver had already gotten himself out of the vehicle.
Harwood said he escaped through the hatch door in the back, and was only in ankle deep water. He said he did not know of any suspicious circumstances surrounding the crash, but that any such investigation would be handled by Lower Township Police. 
Lower Township Police did not immediately return a call seeking more information.

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