WASHINGTON – A recent study by data scientists at Surgo Ventures deals with the current state of the rental crisis, as protections against evictions are phased out. The study is supported by a national county-by-county analysis of rental households in arrears.
Cape May County is reported to have 16% of its rental households in arrears, as of August. While that is in line with estimates for the state, as a whole, at 17%, the county is the highest for a six-county region in South Jersey in terms of the average amount owed per household.
The report states that 16% of the county’s almost 9,000 rental households owe an average of $3,981 per household, a per household amount higher than Atlantic, Cumberland, Salem, Gloucester and Camden counties.
Surgo Ventures, a nonprofit entity headquartered in Washington, D.C., with a hub in the United Kingdom, focuses on health and social problems and defining practical action steps for addressing them.
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