MIDDLE TOWNSHIP — The Township Committee has introduced two capital funding ordinances totaling $1.8 million for a variety of purposes, ranging from sports field work to vehicle purchases to sewer system improvements.
The committee on June 19 introduced a bond ordinance for $1,453,000, including $501,000 for sports field improvements at the Goshen Recreation Center, restroom renovation in town hall, including ADA compliance, and work at the senior center.
Some $465,000 of the bond issue is aimed at vehicle and equipment purchases, including snow removal and leaf pickup vehicles and building HVAC improvements.
The roads program would get $200,000 of the planned spending, and $170,000 is earmarked for various vehicles and items related to public safety.
The ordinance allocates $116,000 for information technology and office equipment.
Adoption of a bond ordinance authorizes the potential borrowing but does not constitute new general fund debt until and unless the bonds are offered. Mayor Christopher Leusner said the township would move forward with the bonds as existing debt is reduced so as to have no tangible impact on the annual budget. Debt service should remain stable, he said.
The second ordinance appropriates $335,000 from the capital improvement fund for work related to the sewer system and the acquisition of vehicles and equipment.
Both ordinances passed first reading on unanimous votes and will be considered for adoption at the committee’s July 15 meeting, when each will also have a public hearing.