Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Looking and Acting Lovely

Looking and Acting Lovely

By Amy Patsch

Amy Patsch
Amy Patsch

This year, I noticed that more women and girls are wearing dresses and I just love this latest trend. It is so wonderful to see females being girly. Now, that might be unseemly for a man to say but since I am of the same gender I think I’m free to use the word girly.

There is something so nicely back to modesty and purity about these dresses. They are the opposite of what we saw a few years ago. These are pretty dresses that make women look like pretty women. How refreshing.

I have always been a believer in the theory that we act the way we dress. When I first started working for attorneys, I actually wore three piece suits – a skirt, vest, and jacket. I needed to look the part if I was going to have clients trust in the quality of the work I performed. My look also affected the way my bosses perceived me and my work product all because of my initiative to come to work looking professional every day. If I looked sharp, I worked sharp.

I believe this is as true today as it was then. If a mother, sister, daughter, wife, grandmother, or aunt wakes up and prepares for their day by intentionally looking lovely I believe they will most likely act lovely.  There is something about preparing ourselves for the day by looking special that keeps us in a more serene mood. We don’t want to spoil that look for ourselves or for others. Almost every one of us wants to be seen as our best selves. 

Jesus knows how special women are. As He ministered, He supported women and elevated their social position by His recognition. Jesus’ ministry was in turn supported financially by women. He honored His mother. He spoke to women that were outside the Jewish faith even though He was condemned for doing so. He healed and spoke kindly to the women who sought Him out. Jesus made women aware of the love of the Father and I pray that in turn made them feel lovely. Who of us doesn’t want to be cared about and loved?

During creation, God created man and woman and the Bible tells us clearly how preciously women should be treated. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her…” This command is hard to beat from a woman’s perspective.

All Christians, male and female, are to be humble servants of the Most High God. We are all servants in different areas of service but as women it behooves us to dress in a way that, while flattering, is not such that others would look askance at us. We want to be appreciated as God’s servants. Part of the humbleness we have as Christian servants is purposely not being the center of attention but in humility giving that position to our Lord.

God created beautiful women and men. Some of us are more beautiful in our souls and some in our bodies but every soul that belongs to the family of God is a special and glorious soul and it certainly would be appropriate to attire the body holding that soul as such.  

But, we say, we can’t dig ditches in skirts – or can we? I am amazed at one of our missionaries who travels abroad to remote areas many times a year to demonstrate to various groups how to dig wells and provide their own clean water. When I look at her photos with mud up to her knees and a pole digger in her hands I actually marvel. So yes, evidently we can dig ditches in skirts.

I agree that not all circumstances and situations call for a dress. But when I notice them being worn more and more, and especially watching the little girls prancing down the sidewalk feeling pretty, I have to acknowledge that it is a delightful change in trends.

On the first day of school, I observed our neighbor taking a photo of her two daughters excited to begin school in their new dresses. 

I was quite inspired to go out and look for some of these dresses myself but I soon realized that while there were plenty of dresses available they were definitely designed for younger women. Still, I have had my turn at wearing lovely dresses in the past and I am pleased that I took advantage of that opportunity when it was available.

So, while I can appreciate this turn in fashion only by viewing it rather than participating in it, I am delighted its time has come.

When we honor God with the way we clothe ourselves, I know our Father is pleased.

ED. NOTE: Amy Patsch writes from Ocean City. Email her at 


Amy Patsch writes religious and faith-based opinion content for the Cape May County Herald.

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