The world of greeting cards may not seem like a big deal, but if you stop and think about how often you give a loved one a card, you then realize their importance. Christmas, Veterans Day, Easter, loss of a loved one or get well, there is greeting card for any occasion. From originally written on woodcuts or scrolls to nowadays sent through the mail or electronically. Dating back to as early as the 1400s, cards have evolved a tremendous amount since then. No matter the reason or material, greeting cards are a wonderful way of expressing the way you feel.
Varying in style and meaning, there is a card out there for anyone. Ancient Chinese and Germans exchanged messages of good will for the New Year. While the Germans would relay their greetings on woodcuts, the Egyptians used papyrus scrolls. Then, in the mid-15th century, handmade paper Valentines were being exchanged in different parts of Europe. Currently there is a wide variety of styles – photo, risqué, musical, electronic (e-cards) and much more. Whether you are looking for something feminine or masculine or a holiday or special message, there isn’t a style you can’t find.
Over the years cards have dropped in price. Once relatively expensive they have now become affordable due to the popular demand. The reason for this drop in price is because they were originally handmade and hand delivered but are now mass produced and sent through postal services. With the reduction in postage stamps, it makes sending cards to those far away convenient and inexpensive.
Sending a card can brighten someone’s day. Meanwhile, it also lets the recipient know you took time out to think of them and send it. Finding the right words to express how you feel can be difficult sometimes. Turning to greeting cards can be a great solution to that problem. Thoughts of sentiment, holiday wishes, or just because, is cause for sending a meaningful card. A little piece of decorated paper with a small message inside can make a person feel extremely special.
J & J Pawn and Consignment is committed to providing our customers with top quality greeting cards at half of the suggested retail price. Stop in our Cape May Court House location and ask for Jenn or Shannon. We will help you find a card that suits what you are looking for.
-Submitted by Shannon Unruh
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