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Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The Prophecy Has Been Fulfilled

By Herald Staff

By Elizabeth Smith
The prophet, Isaiah, proclaimed,
“Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given.
He will be born of a virgin.”
How could this joyful event be?
The angel, Gabriel, was sent from God
To Mary, a virgin, in Galilee.
He said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you
And the power of the Most High will overshadow you.
You will have a son and his name will be Immanuel.”
Micah, the prophet said,
“It would be in the small town of Bethlehem
Where Christ would be born.”
How could this be with Mary in Galilee?
God prompted Caesar to register the people.
Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem had to travel.
No room to be had, only a stable.
A cradle from a manger was made,
In which the Lord was laid.
An angel appeared to shepherds watching their flocks
With the joyful news that Christ, the Saviour, was born.
More angels came praising God in song.
When the angels disappeared into heaven,
The shepherds hurried to see the Lord.
Returning, said, “We must tell what we have seen and heard.”
At this joyful season and throughout the year
May we, like the angels and shepherds,
Praise God and proclaim that the Saviour was born,
That He lives today, asking you to come to Him.
(Smith writes from Avalon.)

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