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Thursday, September 26, 2024


O, What a Glorious Night!

By Herald Staff

I wasn’t supposed to go that night. My brother insisted I join him and several other shepherds as they herded sheep in the hills outside Bethlehem. The brother of my brother’s friend, Ishmael, fell ill and was unable to go, so I was elected.
The several days passed uneventful. Sheep wandered and fed while we men talked and enjoyed each other’s company.
Soon, time came to go home. We spent one more night on the hillside before packing up and driving the sheep back to the other side of Bethlehem. After our evening meal, the rest of the men sat around talking softly. I rested beside a large rock and drew my heavy robe about me to ward off the chill of the night air. The stars above me glittered from one end of the sky to the other, so close it seemed one could touch them. One star, shone so bright and steady. It wasn’t like the others. This one hung like a lantern over the town below. It appeared one night from nowhere. My gaze held the sight of this brilliant new star until I fell asleep.
How long I slept, I don’t know, for I was awakened by the shouts of the men. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I saw what frightened them. A bright light was in the heavens and in this light was something that looked like a man. This being, and the light that shone from him, was right over us!
I fell to my knees in such terror, for my legs shook like leaves in a brisk wind. A little bit away, Jacob lay with his face to the ground as he wept in fear. The other shepherds cried out in fear and terror. The being spoke in a strong, yet soothing voice.
“Do not be afraid! I bring good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David, a child has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger.”
Then, suddenly, more of the heavenly beings appeared and began to sing. There were hundreds upon hundreds, and they sang,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace and good will toward men.”
Just as quickly as they appeared, the multitude disappeared, leaving us once again in the quiet dark.
We stayed in that spot in silence for several minutes, too shocked to say a word. Then, my brother Simon spoke.
“They were messengers of the Most High! They appeared to us! Why? Why us?”
Jonas said, “I want to find this Messiah! I’ve heard about him! He has been prophesied.”
John replied, “We must go and find this child the being told us about. He is the Messiah whom we have been waiting for! Let us go at once!”
All of us left the sheep and followed the path down the hillside into Bethlehem.
We finally found the baby Messiah. There He was, lying in a manger as we were told. His mother kneeled by the manger, watching the babe sleep, while her husband sat nearby. My brother spoke to them explaining why we were there. He told them of the heavenly being who told us about the babe and were to find Him and of the heavenly chorus who sang songs glorifying the Most High.
I came to the foot of the manger and, sitting down, gazed upon the sleeping babe. His eyelashes laid upon silken cheeks and He looked so peaceful. “This is the Messiah!” I said in a half-whisper. My heart was filled with awe. He will bear the sin of many, this tiny babe lying here. The Savior has come.
We were so thrilled by this we had to tell others. The Savior is here! The time has come! Messengers of the Most High has told us and we saw Him! O, what a glorious night!
Diane L. Haslem writes from Woodbine.

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