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Saturday, September 21, 2024


How Do They Host So Perfectly?

By Bonny Collins

‘Twas the midst of December–
The Huhns, once again,
Were hosting a dinner,
Inviting their friends.
The décor was simple,
But elegant, too,
And of course, the main dish
Was a gourmet to-do!!
The children were banished;
The grandkids elsewhere:
This party’s for grown-ups!
Cavort without care!
The year’s been a tough one–
Mobility hard,
But Sonya’s still cooking
With butter, not lard.
The cocktails were super,
The hors d’oeuvres superb;
The laundry was hidden–
The image preserved.
Belle smiled a big smile
Tapped toes on the floor,
While other guests coaxed her
To give ‘em some more.
Marge looked astonished
And Mike looked askance
While Belle kept a-trying
To polish her dance.
The limbs weren’t as limber,
The kicks not so high–
But the Rockette experience
Showed in firm thighs.
Then John and Jim switched out
Each table to please,
Both trying to avoid
Any social dis-ease.
While Ron, with his necktie,
And Bonny in heels,
With expandable waistlines
Anticipated the meal!
When out in the kitchen,
There arose such a clatter,
We all were afraid
Sonya’d dropped the meat platter!
Dick paused in his pouring
Of whites in a glass,
Afraid it might be his
Hostess losing class!
And Ron took this moment
To suck on a red,
Hoping no one would see how
 Wine went to his head.
Ken glanced towards the kitchen
Inquiring, “My dear?”
Still showing great confidence
And no sign of fear.
But Bonny ran out
To clean up the kitchen,
While Sonya yelled at her
With typical itching:
“Get out of here now,
I’ve told you before!
No one has entered
My kitchen before!”
Then Mike stood up manfully
His best to recite,
‘Til Belle started giggling
With all of her might.
When Bonny came back
Her face was amazed!
She’d found out the secret
Of Sonya, unfazed:
“Her kitchen’s connected
To Santa’s workshop!
And elves are all working,
Our dinner to chop!
We’ve all worshipped Sonya
And Ken for their style
And now we find out
Who it was all this while!
We’ve given them credit
But where’s credit due?
All this time it’s been Santa
Who’s been feting you!
The guests looked around
At their fabulous evening
And gave not one thought
To hastening their leaving.
“We love Sonya’s ceremony
We love Ken’s high style
We don’t care the secret—
Just relax for awhile!”
Candles lit up the entree
It glistened and gleamed,
While Bernice planned her toasting–
Of New Years she dreamed.
Then Marge read her poem,
And Bernie his rhyme,
While Shirley and Bonny
Struggled to keep time.
There were no belly dancers
No clown-painted faces–
Just full, happy people
Who call the Huhns ACES.
Thereafter, forever,
They toasted Mr. Ken
And gobbled Sonya’s menu
Again and again!
Collins writes from Ocean View.

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