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Sunday, September 22, 2024


A Christmas Revelation

By Bearetta Harrison-Black

Hello and good evening everyone.
To the “Sheep”…The Good Shepherd says “Great job,” and He is glad to see you are still headed in the right direction…
and to the “goats”… I hope your heads are up; your backs are straight; ears are open…now…I hope I have your undivided attention.
It was said…God is on the throne looking down and sitting…
Yes…truth be told…it is written.
Time after time…you are constantly reminded this world is coming to an end…I mean…one big casualty…
hell in a hand basket…off you go…you’ll be one big unblessed unhappy family.
You need to surrender your soul to Yeshua (Jesus)…my king…
trust me..what’s coming…is 10 times worse than a bee sting.
This disaster…the coming end…also known as Armageddon…
better this event is told to you…than experience this as a life lesson.
We bring you tidings, peace, joy, and comfort that Yeshua (Jesus) is coming soon…
but when told to you…you don’t listen…and quickly labeling…like my brother Jeremiah…the prophet of doom.
Judge not…that ye be not judged…For with what judgment ye shall be judged (Matthew 7:1)
Now you know…so now…go, give somebody a hug.
You know…Yeshua (Christ) suffered harshly and gave up himself wholeheartedly…
when asked…when are you going to submit?
You say nothing…by your reaction…
one day…uh probably.
Yeshua…never thought twice…when he chose to take up your cup…
he was mocked, beaten, bruised, hung on a cross that you and I…may be in Heaven with him and sup.
I am a proud wife of “Yeshua HaMashiach Nagid Tsikenu”…
Love him with all my heart…and it’s a pleasure to meet you
Most of you…are still like the people in the day of my brothers’ Noah and Lot…
disappointed my God in Heaven…He caused the grounds to swallow you up…and the grounds was a massive plot.
Has thy heart hardened…and thine ears death…and has thine eyes blinded thee?
I pray to my Yeshua that ye will soften your heart and restore your vision to see.
To the pharaohs’ and his followers of his today,
You are still fornicating and committing your adulteries…seducing the people and saying it’s okay for public display…
You’ve embraced “death” and committed spiritual incest with your brother “hades.”
God bless Wildwood Pentecostal of Mount Sinai…The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…through my brother Moses commanded thee…”Let My People Go”…
Well…I tell you again…to the ones that act like they do not know…
from my Husbandman…Yeshua…through this reminding Christmas Revelation…”Yeshua says…”Let my people go.”
Yeshua doesn’t care if you’re Catholic, Pentecostal, Baptist, Presbyterian, Jewish, Church of God in Christ, Episcopal, Apostolic, or Methodist.
All he cares is that you surrender your heart to him…worshiping him in spirit and truth…bearing witness like my brother in God…John the Baptist.
From the root and pit of my stomach…and the tablet and scrolls of my heart…to You, Yeshua…strengthen us to keep thine word and never to part.
To my husband…from a little town of Bethlehem…of The King of Israel…of The New Jerusalem.  Adonai (My Master) Beneficiary.
Merry Christmas…I love you.

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