Saturday, December 14, 2024


Which Is Better… High Or Low Repetitions?

By Herald Staff

You’ve decided to get in shape, great. You’ve even decided that you want to do it right, especially if your going to put in hard work, time and money out. You figure you better do it right.
So, you buy a bunch of fitness magazines. Each magazine is promoting a different work out. You get confused and maybe a little frustrated, because each month the magazines seem to be promoting the next best exercise routine.
Now what do you do?
As you know, with any plan there must be a foundation. The foundation is your goal, what you want. Lean muscular body or Mr./Mrs. Universe body. Either is fine, but to get to either goal requires different routes.
High repetitions exercises, builds muscle and cuts fat because of the inherent aerobic aspect. You see this in the popular late night infomercials. Where high repetition with moderate weight and aerobic training cuts fat.
Well, what about low repetitions? This is the fastest way to build strength. It incorporates a-lot of anaerobic exercise. Which as you know, is exercise that doesn’t require a lot of oxygen. Good example is a 50 -yard dash or lifting heavy weights only a few times. Compared to a marathon, which you probably figured out, requires a great deal of oxygen, which is of course aerobic exercise. And it’s based on the principal of volume training. And it’s not low volume that would be wishful thinking.
Volume training is multiple sets and various exercises for the same muscle group. It’s hard for the average Joe or Jane to keep with this program. Not to say that any exercise is easy, it’s not..However volume training is not for the faint of heart or constitution.
Dr. Chris Chase is a Doctor of Chiropractic, a member of the New Jersey Chiropractic Association, and the owner of Advanced Chiropractic in Court House. Dr. Chase focuses on an area of chiropractic called Structural Correction and has been in practice for 12 years. You can reach Dr. Chase at or (609) 465-5358. You can also follow Dr. Chase on Twitter, / dr_chrischase).

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