June 5: Baked chicken breast, candied sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, chocolate cake, beef barley soup.
June 6: Spaghetti and meatballs, oriental vegetables, dinner roll, salad, apple pie.
June 7: Hot dog, roll, baked beans, macaroni salad, banana.
June 8: Breaded chicken cutlet, gravy, rice and mushrooms, mixed vegetables, spinach salad, rice pudding.
June 9: Baked codfish, macaroni and cheese, sewed tomatoes, salad, tapioca pudding, cream of potato soup.
June 5: Ham and cheese sandwich on white bread, cole slaw, pickles, cookies, cranberry juice.
June 6: Tuna salad platter, potato salad, dinner roll, pineapple chunks, grape juice.
June 7: Crab salad, lettuce and tomato, crackers, peach pie, apple juice.
June 8: Roast beef sandwich on roll, applesauce, fruit punch.
June 9: Turkey and cheese sandwich, wheat bread, cole slaw, peas, and tomato juice.
Wildwood Crest – On Meet the Press, Mr. Trump wrongly claimed there was “no inflation” under his first term and that inflation did not begin occurring until a year and a half into the Biden administration. (Annual…