Sunday, January 5, 2025


Seven Swine Flu Cases Confirmed at Coast Guard Training Center


By Jack Fichter

CAPE MAY — Coast Guard Training Center Cape May has seven confirmed cases of Swine Flu (H1N1 Virus), up from two cases one week ago.
As of Monday, a total of 36 Coast Guard members were tested for Swine Flu with 23 test results received confirming seven members with the H1N1 Virus. There were negative results for 16 members tested, according to Chief Warrant Officer Veronica Bandrowsky.
Test results are pending for 13 members. Currently, 10 recruits are residing in the medical ward or fever ward, she said. An isolation ward was set up in a barracks to house any recruits with flu-like symptoms.
One week ago, the base had two confirmed Swine Flu cases with 16 recruits with flu-like symptoms. The two recruits initially confirmed with Swine Flu one week ago have recovered and have resumed their training, said Bandrowsky.
“We are reinforcing flu preventative measures with our personnel and we are being vigilant in ensuring Coast Guard personnel with any flu-like symptoms are not involved in a duties that would bring them in contact with the public or risk exposure to other Coast Guard personnel,” she said.
Before any recruits were allowed to leave the base last weekend for liberty, their temperatures were taken to check for fever.
Bandrowsky said a few recruits on liberty were unable to get transportation back to the training center from members of the public who were concerned recruits may have Swine Flu.
An email was sent to all staff (permanent party members) July 24 notifying them of a confirmation of Swine Flu case. The email urged careful hygiene such as hand washing and staying home and seeing a doctor if they have flu-like symptoms such as coughing and a high fever. Bandrowsky said three staff members had flu-like symptoms last week.
Recruits with flu symptoms were told to report immediately to Sick Hall to prevent spread of the illness.
The training center has not stopped receiving recruits, which arrive each Tuesday from all over the nation. Bandrowsky said recruits are constantly in a small confined area and eat, sleep, shower, march and exercise together.
Incoming recruits with flu symptoms are being tested for Swine Flu with a throat swab test, she said.
Bandrowsky said the Coast Guard provides mandatory, annual training on flu prevention.
The state Department of Health and Senior Services reported 960 confirmed Swine Flu cases as of July 29 in New Jersey since the first case was diagnosed. That cumulative figure does not reflect the overall incidence of Swine Flu because the state is only testing cases in which patients are hospitalized or there are clusters of illness. On the same date, the state reported three Swine flu cases in Cape May County.
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