As you may already know, their are many foods that increase inflammation in our bodies, which leads to painful joints, and slower recovery times after an injury or just your morning jog.
Red meats that are high in saturated fats and of course the hydrogenated and trans-fat or what I refer in our workshops as “FrankenFats”(as in manmade, horrible distortions), all increase inflammatory response in our bodies.
Fats, as a whole, are not bad. Many fats, such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated are beneficial in lowering LDL’s (bad) and raising HDL’s (the good cholesterol). They also help reduce inflammatory response, which helps to reduce pain in your joints. Good examples are: Almonds, Walnuts, Salmon, Tuna, Flax Seed, Olive Oils, just to name a few.
How Does it Work?
The ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids in the diet of early humans has been widely estimated to be 1:1, but the ratio in the typical Western diet is now almost 10:1 due to increased use of vegetable oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids as well as reduced fish consumption.
The focus of much recent work has been on the implications of fatty acid ratios on cell membrane integrity, structure and function with implications for cell signaling. 36
The phospholipids of the brain’s gray matter contain a high proportion of DHA and this suggests that fatty acid is important to central nervous system functioning. 21-25, 36
The downstream effect of balance in consumption of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids and of excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids is a shift in the synthesis of eicosanoids that are derived from 20-carbon PUFAs.
Eicosanoids are potent chemical messengers that play critical roles inflammatory responses. 8, 12-14, 16-18 Their quantity and ratios influence leukotriene production.
Leukotrienes are naturally produced eicosanoid lipid mediators and are produced in the body from arachidonic acid by the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase.
Their synthesis usually accompanies the production of histamine and leukotrienes that can act to sustain inflammatory reactions. This factor is one reason that omega fatty acid balance is important to inflammatory balance.
Inflammatory balance, in turn, is linked to immune functioning. 8, 12-14, 16-18 With the excess of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids typical of Western diets, the physiologic balance is shifted towards the eiconsanoid arachidonic acid and poorer control of inflammatory responses. (Info from Technical Information Sheet of Protocol)
What’s that All Mean?
The traditional American diet is garbage. Stop it.
For people with chronic pain, or the soreness from regular exercise a strategy to consider is a diet high in EPA and low in processed carbs, trans, hydrogenated fats and limit red meat.
Add the good stuff.
Fish; such as, Salmon, Tuna, Sardines and walnuts, almonds, flax seeds. And of course, an Omega-3 supplement that is high in EPA – we recommend for our patients 1000mg of EPA daily. Not 1000mg of fish oil, which is not the same.
Quality matters, and good enough IS NOT good enough, because you get only one go around in life (as far as I know). Do the best for your self as often as you can.
Have a Healthy and Prosperous Day!
Dr. Chris Chase is the owner of Advanced Chiropractic in Court House for the past 13 years and is a member of the ANJC, Association New Jersey Chiropractors.. You can follow Chase’s blog at
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