COURT HOUSE — Cape May County will hold a free drive-through seasonal flu shot clinic on Oct. 18 for county residents only at Kindle Ford Autoplaza from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
County Health Officer Kevin Thomas advises residents to come early.
“Although we have a large number of flu vaccine for the drive-through clinic, we don’t have our complete order,” Thomas said in a release.
The county was informed by their vaccine manufacturer that due to delays in manufacturing and FDA approval of seasonal flu vaccine, some of the county’s order will not arrive until November.
“This problem is not unique to Cape May County,” added Thomas. “Providers around the state and the country are seeing delays in their seasonal flu orders as the manufacturers focus more on the H1N1 flu vaccine.”
When the county receives the remainder of their seasonal flu vaccine order in November, additional clinics will be scheduled.
In addition to the county flu clinics, many physicians offer seasonal flu vaccine as do many retail establishments. The website lists all of the retail flu clinics in the area.
“Although it is unfortunate that we won’t have our complete order for the drive-through clinic, the county will distribute what we have in stock and schedule additional clinics as soon as the rest of the order is received,” added Freeholder Gerald Thornton.
Residents coming to the drive-through flu clinic must bring a completed consent form with them. The form is available at the Department of Health, online at, and in local newspapers.
All information about the county’s seasonal flu clinics is posted online and on the flu hotline (609) 463-6581. Information on H1N1 flu clinics will also be posted there when available.
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