Oriental Medicine has a unique perspective on disease and illness. The body is viewed not in a mechanistic way, as a machine with varied op-erating parts, but as a complete natural “ecosys-tem.”
From this perspective nothing is lacking and disease is simply when that ecosystem has strayed from its natural state of balance. Oriental Medicine views the body in a similar way as one would view a garden.
Gardeners know that some areas of the garden are very dry whereas oth-ers are very damp; some areas get a lot of sun and are hot and some areas remain quite dark and cool. The goal of a gar-dener is to adapt his/her garden plan to adapt to these natural elements.
Careful observation of the natural elements pre-sent and a skillful appli-cation of one’s gardening skill is what will allow a garden to flourish. Ori-ental Medicine uses natu-ral metaphors like a gar-dener would for the pur-pose of medical diagno-sis.
Terms such as heat, cold, dryness, dampness, wind and so forth de-scribe both a disease process as well as the underlying constitution of a patient. The skill of a practitioner is to bring balance to the natural system of each individual patient.
The therapies employed by the practi-tioner, such as acupunc-ture, herbs, dietary ther-apy and so on all are de-signed to restore the natural balance of the body and bring out its natural healing ability. A beautifully composed and maintained garden is something that all of us can appreciate whether we are coming more from an Eastern or Western perspective!
To Learn More About Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine contact us at the New Eastern Health Center 609 536-2339.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?