Acupuncture to Relieve Chronic Stress
A new animal study showed that rats treated with acupuncture had no spike in stress-associated hormones after being exposed to chronic stress. On the contrary, rats that received no treatment had higher levels of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) along with other stress hormones.
The constant increase in stress hormones is associated with many of health problems linked to chronic stress, such as depression, insomnia and anxiety. In stressed animals that received acupuncture, stress hormone levels were similar to those in the control animals that were not under chronic stress, this suggests the ancient healing modality normalizes stress hormone levels.
Acupuncture Confirmed to Treat Chronic Pain
In a recent analysis published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, researchers concluded that acupuncture has a definite effect in reducing chronic pain, ie back pain and headaches – more so than standard pain treatment. Real acupuncture also produced better results than using sham acupuncture, which suggests the benefits of needling outweigh the placebo effect.
The study revealed a “clear and robust” effect of acupuncture in the treatment of:
• Back pain
• Neck pain
• Shoulder pain
• Osteoarthritis
• Headaches
Acupuncture is proven to impact a number of chronic health conditions, and thought that it stimulates the central nervous system to release natural chemicals that alter bodily systems, pain and other biological processes. Evidence suggests that acupuncture impacts the body on multiple levels:
Stimulating the conduction of electromagnetic signals, which may release immune system cells or pain-killing chemicals
• Activation of your body’s natural opioid system, which reduce pain and induce sleep
• Stimulation of hypothalamus and pituitary glands.
• Change the secretion of neurotransmitters, which positively influence brain chemistry
Learn for yourself the potential benefits of acupuncture treatment. Contact Higher Path Healing of 804 Route 9 South, Cape May Court House to book treatment today. The following patient testimonial is evidence of acupuncture’s healing effect:
“I have been going to Paul for a couple of months and after suffering from chronic pain for many years, I have been pain-free. On a weekly basis I am told by others how well I look and how relaxed I appear. I have also stopped taking all medications. I went from not being able to get out of bed in the morning to anxiously waiting for a new day. I have the outstanding acupuncture treatments received in Paul’s office and his positive energy to thank for helping me enjoy life again!! I recommend anyone suffering from pain, anxiety, depression and migraines to definitely give Paul a call , he will change your life !”
For more information on Higher Path Healing, call 856-285-4788 or visit
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