With temps in the 50s, many boats are going back in the water. Time to get in action. If you having done your spring cleaning yet, better get to it. The marinas are opening and their stores are full of great new supplies.
At their last meeting, New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council enacted the following measures: Summer Flounder-six fish, 18″ min. size, May 29–Sept. 6; Black Sea Bass – 25 fish, 12.5″ min. size, May 22–Aug. 8 and Sept. 4-Oct. 4; or final season determined by the ASMFC. Weakfish-one fish, 13″ min. size, no closed season. (Info courtesy of RFA)
The black sea bass final regulation may remain in limbo until May
The Council moved forward with approving measures to bring the state in compliance with the ASMFC Interstate Coastal Sharks Fishery Management Plan. New Jersey’s recreational anglers primarily target mako, thresher and blue sharks to which the “pupping” closure would not apply.
Free NJ recreational fishing registry? Assembly Bill A823, sponsored by Assemblymen Nelson T. Albano and Matthew W. Milam (both D-1st) was passed 5-0 by Assembly Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee on March 8. It requires DEP to establish a free saltwater recreational fishing registry.
That registry would be modeled on the one established by NOAA. The National Saltwater Angler Registry exempts anglers from the federal registry if their state has its own registration or licensing system.
This bill would also repeal section 82 of P.L.1979, c.199 (C.23:2B-18) that prohibits imposition of a saltwater recreational anglers license. Check capemayherald.com for updates.
NJ DEP Division of Fish and Wildlife reminds anglers that under federal law, most NJ saltwater recreational fishermen are required to register with the National Saltwater Angler Registry before they go fishing.
Registration is free in 2010. Log onto http://www.CountMyFish.noaa.gov/ and click on the Angler Registry link, or call 1-888-674-7411. After 30 days, registrants will receive a registration card in the mail, valid for one year from the date of registration and anglers who do not meet any of the exceptions in the law must register annually.
Looking forward to having your reports and photos fill my e-mail again.
Welcome back to the water.
Be sure to send your fish stories to cmiller@cmcherald.com. All photos submitted appear online at SeeMyBigFish.com. This column appears first online at capemaycountyherald.com
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