Friday, February 7, 2025


The Fishing Line: Gearing Up?


By Carolyn Miller

There may not be much action on the water these days, but there’s plenty to talk about on the fishing scene. NJ DEP released the following news on Tuesday, Feb. 11: Governor Christie has signed the bill creating a free state saltwater fishing registry to comply with federal registry requirements. Anglers should note that they still need to register with NOAA and the federal fee of $15 remains in place until New Jersey creates its own registry and gets NOAA approval. DEP is working to expedite the creation of the free State Registry and hopes to have it on line by early April.
To read about the signing visit on the DEP website; for more information on the National Saltwater Registry and its requirements visit on the Division of Fish and Wildlife website.
News from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission: Atlantic coastal states from New Jersey through North Carolina have scheduled their hearings to gather public comment on Draft Addendum XXI to the Black Sea Bass Fishery Management Plan. NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, March 3, 6:30 p.m., Galloway Township Public Library, 306 East Jimmie Leeds Road, Absecon. Contact: Pete Himchak at 648-2020.
The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife is informing anglers about the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation’s (RBFF) new, fully integrated mobile website which can be viewed at from smartphones, provides boaters and anglers with access to the Hotspots Map. The service allows anglers to save their own hotspots.
Anglers can also access the site and all its resources from their computers. The site allows visitors to find information on a variety of different fish species, boating and fishing tips and tricks as well as fishing locations based on their own location.
To learn more about RBFF and the Take Me Fishing campaign, visit
Send your fish stories and photos to

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