CAPE MAY — Find out what happens when characters from several different Biblical parables meet in a village square and share their complaints and concerns. A new musical by Jane Sbarra, “A Palette of Parables,” mixes these characters together and, like mixing colors, they are transformed.
The musical will be presented at the First Presbyterian Church of Cape May on Saturday, May 1, at 8 p.m. and Sunday, May 2, at 3 p.m. It features nine soloists and a narrator along with the church choir.
Sbarra has written several musical dramas, including “The Prodigal” and most recently “The Magi,” an O.Henry adaptation, which has been presented to a number of churches and community organizations during the past three Christmas seasons.
Soloists for “A Palette of Parables” are Charlie Buckley, June Willis, Jim Doran, Bruce Jeffries-Fox, Gayle Stahlhuth, Karen Buckley, Donna Sheetz, John McGraw and Koren Cowgill. Lee O’Connor is the narrator.
The performances are free and will be followed by a reception and refreshments. A free will offering will benefit several local children’s programs. The Presbyterian Church is located at Decatur and Hughes streets.
For more information, call 884-6652.
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