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Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Middle Performing Arts Center to Shift Gears as New School Term Opens

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COURT HOUSE — The multi-purpose Performing Arts Center of Middle Township has been used exclusively for cultural and community events during July and Aug. when schools were closed for the summer.
Soon, it will shift to its primary commitment to the Middle Township school district when it opens the 2014-2015 scholastic term by hosting some 300 teachers and staff Sept. 2, for the district’s opening convocation. The next day, it will be the high school students turn to convene at The PAC before classes begin. Then, Sept. 17, high school students and their parents are invited for a “Back To School Night” program in which they will meet faculty and staff, and be introduced to the academic and extra-curricular programs.
The arts center, founded almost 23 years ago by residents who sought to integrate education and the arts into one package for the community, will continue to offer civic cultural events during the autumn. On tap are band and choral concerts, a county-sponsored art competition and show, a presentation on the subject of wellness and scholarship pageants aligned with the Miss America Pageant. Meanwhile, the schools in the district will present their own programs at The PAC including a drama production and a ceremony inducting new National Honor Society members.
Former teacher, Kay Aspell, who is the managing director of the center, said The PAC will be busy with a variety activities between Labor Day and Christmas.

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