Saturday, February 15, 2025


Indictments Filed Jan. 14, 2025

Indictments Filed Jan. 14, 2025

By Vince Conti

Court Gavel Image (2020) - USE THIS ONE
Sebastian Duda/

Readers are reminded that not only are all individuals listed below presumed innocent unless proven guilty, there may also be multiple individuals who share the same name, even in the same town.

COURT HOUSE – A Cape May County grand jury handed up seven indictments Jan. 14. 

The abbreviation CDS below stands for controlled dangerous substance.   

Carrissa Cargill was indicted on a single count of third-degree possession of a CDS, fentanyl.

Nathan Swan faces a three-count indictment for theft of a credit card, in the fourth degree, and fraudulent use of a credit card, third degree. The third count was for third-degree possession of a CDS, fentanyl.

Kevin C. Gowen was named in a two-count indictment in which both counts were for third-degree possession of a CDS. The controlled substances were fentanyl and lysergic acid diethylamide, better known as LSD.

Ryan K. Sovani was indicted on a count of third-degree theft.

Frankie R. Collazo faces a single count of possession of a CDS, fentanyl.

Briana M. Levine, Molly R. Doyle and Kelsey Bortles were jointly indicted on two second-degree counts for aggravated assault and conspiracy.

William Cortes was indicted for third-degree possession of a CDS, heroin.


Vince Conti is a reporter for the Cape May County Herald.

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