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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Indictments Filed Aug. 13, 2024

Indictments Filed Aug. 13, 2024

By Vince Conti

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Readers are reminded that not only are all individuals listed below presumed innocent unless proven guilty, but there may also be multiple individuals who share the same name, even in the same town.

COURT HOUSE – A Cape May County grand jury handed up 16 indictments Aug. 13. 

The abbreviation CDS below stands for controlled dangerous substance.  

A “certain person” charge can be brought against individuals whose previous convictions bar them from having weapons. 

Andrew M. Enman faces a seven-count indictment for possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine, third degree, along with three counts of third-degree possession of a CDS, methamphetamine, cocaine, and fentanyl. The indictment also contains a fourth-degree count for possession with intent to distribute drug paraphernalia. Enman also faces a second-degree count for possession of a weapon, knives, while committing a certain CDS crime. Lastly a conviction in 2008 for aggravated arson, led to a final count of fourth-degree certain person due to the possession of the knives.

Jamie F. McKeown was indicted on seven counts of third-degree possession of a CDS. The controlled substances were methamphetamine, bromazolam, amphetamine, diazepam, lorazepam, clonazepam, and buprenorphine.

Donna A. Stansbury and Christina Spaventa were named in a 10-count indictment. They were jointly named in a third-degree count for possession of a CDS, cocaine. Stansbury alone was named in the other nine counts, including four third-degree counts for possession with intent to distribute a CDS, cocaine, along with three counts of possession of a CDS, alprazolam, clonazepam, and buprenorphine. Stansbury also faces a second-degree count for possession of a weapon, knives, while committing a certain CDS crime. Two fourth-degree counts for Stansbury are possession of a prescription legend drug and intent to distribute drug paraphernalia.

Karl R. Kenstler was convicted of robbery in 2007 in Morris County. That conviction and the possession of a knife led to an indictment for fourth-degree certain person.

Brad C. Lillemon was named in a six-count indictment for third-degree possession of a CDS with intent to distribute, psilocin. The indictment contains three counts of third-degree possession of a CDS. Beside the psilocin, Lillemon possessed cocaine and alprazolam. There are also counts for third-degree money laundering and fourth-degree intent to distribute drug paraphernalia.

Sergio Jimenez faces a 10-count indictment, including two first-degree counts for maintaining or operating a CDS production facility and intent to distribute cocaine in a quantity of 5 ounces or more. There are three second-degree counts for possession of a firearm while committing a CDS crime, money laundering, and certain person arising from his 2019 conviction for aggravated assault. There are two third-degree counts for possession of a CDS for oxycodone and marijuana. The final three fourth-degree counts include two for possession of a prohibited weapon, hollow-point bullets and large-capacity magazines, along with fourth-degree certain person for the hollow-point bullets.

Christian A. Burk was indicted on two counts of third-degree possession of a CDS, fentanyl and cocaine.

Marquis E. Aiken and Shamore Watson were jointly indicted on a third-degree count for possession of a CDS with intent to distribute, marijuana. Aiken alone was named in four other counts, two for resisting arrest in the third and fourth degree, and one each for third-degree uttering a false instrument related to counterfeit currency and obstructing the administration of law.

Logan F. McGuigan was named in a six-count indictment with three counts of attempted burglary and three for criminal mischief, all counts in the third degree.

Lemuel R. Higgs faces a six-count indictment for making terroristic threats, third degree, possession of a weapon for unlawful purpose, also third degree, and fourth-degree unlawful possession of a weapon, a baseball bat. Three additional counts were for throwing bodily fluids in the fourth degree.

Frank R. Delpiano was indicted for second-degree unlawful possession of a weapon, a Glock 22 .40 caliber handgun. The indictment also contained two fourth-degree counts for prohibited weapon possession, hollow-point bullets and large-capacity magazines.

Andrew B. Day was indicted for third-degree possession of a CDS, heroin.

Michael F. McCarthy faces a three-count indictment. Two third-degree counts for theft of a CDS and for eventual possession of the CDS, buprenorphine. A final count was for fourth-degree criminal trespass.

David Easley was indicted on a single count of second-degree endangering the welfare of a child.

Gregory Straub faces two fourth-degree counts for criminal trespass and contempt of a restraining order issued just six days before the alleged violation.

Zackary E. Hand was named in a 10-count indictment with two second-degree counts for unlawful possession of a weapon and possession of a weapon while committing a CDS crime, a handgun. Six third-degree counts include three for possession of a CDS, heroin, cocaine, and buprenorphine, along with making terroristic threats, possession with intent to distribute marijuana and money laundering. Two final counts are in the fourth degree for intent to distribute drug paraphernalia and cyber harassment.


Vince Conti is a reporter for the Cape May County Herald.

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