Friday, December 13, 2024


Have an Answer Ready

Have an Answer Ready

By Amy Patsch

Amy Patsch
Amy Patsch

My cousin’s son, Tim, works for Youth With A Mission, a Christian outreach organization. He sends a short encouragement entitled Wisdom for the Weekend to those of us who have requested frequent contact.  This brief write-up usually explains what has been happening in the ministry or he may instead instruct and encourage us in our own personal evangelism.

Recently I received one of these notes of wisdom that spoke of reaching out to others and explaining what our faith means to us. I am less than comfortable reaching out unbidden to non-believers so this wisdom definitely hit home. Tim was saying that practice helps.  

The Apostle Peter reminds me, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” Because I am instructed to do this in the Bible, I know I must be ready. But as Tim tells me I need to practice and that means getting out there where people might ask about my faith. 

I know there are times in my life when I feel the need to share the hope that God gives to me with another person even if they don’t ask. But, I admit I am usually so hesitant that the opportunity may be missed. I have all sorts of excuses – my lack of good hearing comes in handy as one of them. Personally, I know God does not appreciate any excuse when He gives me a command to speak to someone.

My husband, Neil, and I took a short vacation to North Carolina where we stayed in three different lodgings. We met a few people but had very little conversation as mostly our contact with others was brief. Not the type of get-to-know-you conversations but the kind you have going from one place to another with an agenda. What a shame. People just passing by each other. Some gave us their names but nothing of substance was shared.

And then at our last stop, we met a couple on the porch relaxing for the evening and we asked if they minded if we joined them. The weather was perfect as they were enjoying the bench swing while we rested on the porch couch. 

We chatted about many things. We found out where they live and how they ended up there. This was their first time in this new area so we passed along some tips of things to see. We noticed, like us, that they brought their bikes for sightseeing and exercise and that added to our conversation.  

We talked about everything except our faith. Why not? I usually talk about my faith in some way in every conversation but for some reason I felt I should not.  

I immediately clicked with the wife and the next day after breakfast we ran into her again on the porch.  She was wondering about the other rooms at the Inn so we took her to see our room. We stood there talking and as we did I continued to feel I should say something about Jesus or at least ask if she knew Him. But, the time didn’t seem right.

Later as I looked out our window I saw the woman at their car getting ready for their bike ride. I felt as if I should go down and give her my name and address but I was sure I didn’t have time before they left.  Neil and I finished our packing and headed to the car to start our journey home.

When we got to the parking lot she was still standing by her bicycle. They had realized her tire was low and her husband left to get the tire pump. Was that a coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidences so I say, “No, God set up that last meeting.” I told her to wait a moment and I went to the car to get a paper to give her our names and address. They travel a bit and have been to Wildwood before so I said possibly they might be near us again and if they are to please call.

It wasn’t a conversation about Jesus. It was a moment of sharing Jesus’ love with another who seemed to need His special care. I don’t know if they will ever call or stop by, but now she has my name and phone number – just in case. 

We don’t know how we might touch others. I certainly hope others see Jesus in me even if I don’t speak His name. I am not sure if I handled this encounter correctly but I have been praying for Jo-Ann ever since we left South Carolina and I do hope we yet will have that conversation about Jesus.

ED. NOTE: Amy Patsch writes from Ocean City. Email her at


Amy Patsch writes religious and faith-based opinion content for the Cape May County Herald.

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