County Commissioner Robert Barr presented the Civil Air Patrol’s Tatyana Moffitt-Ivens, a second lieutenant, with a resolution March 12 by Congressman Jeff Van Drew honoring her for winning the Billy Mitchell Award for achievement in the Civil Air Patrol. The Board of County Commissioners also presented the Middle Township High School junior with a proclamation honoring her, noting she was only the second female in 19 years to win the award. Moffitt-Ivens received the Mitchell award last month during a ceremony at the Cape May County Technical School when she was promoted to her current rank. At the commissioners meeting she said she plans to enter the U.S. Air Force after graduation and made an appeal for young people to join the Civil Air Patrol.
Villas – Look what happened on Jan 6 th with Trump, I do not blame’ Michelle Obama for not coming! You cannot trust his allies for it to be a calm day, for her safety she is safer at home.