WEST CAPE MAY — Chief School Administrator William Flynn reported to the West Cape May Board of Education Aug. 13 that he anticipated a school population of 35 students in September.
Enrollment increased by five students since last month, he said. A family moved into the borough with three children, said Flynn.
Grade levels in the school are combined: pre-K and Kindergarten, first and second, third and fourth and fifth and six grades to produce larger class sizes with one teacher.
Teachers at West Cape May Elementary School have contracts through 2012. Health care benefits costs for teachers are increasing 25 percent after Jan. 1, said Flynn. The school received notice of the health care increase after it passed its budget. The increase will amount to about $15,000. The board said it would check prices of other plans.
The school board is seeking to eliminate transportation costs for borough students who attend Our Lady Star of the Sea School in Cape May but don’t actually ride the bus.
County Executive School Superintendent Terrance Crowley is looking at a feasibility study to merge West Cape May Elementary School with Cape May Elementary School. The two school boards will schedule a meeting together with Crowley within the next month.
Back to School Night will be held at West Cape May Elementary School Sept. 16.
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