COURT HOUSE — The Middle Township Recreation Department is taking registrations for fall sports. Mark calendars:
Fall soccer, ages 5-13years; fee $35, May 16th-June 3.
Fall jr. football program age 15, eighth graders, May 25, June 20. Fee $60, Early Bird Special two days only, May 23 & 24 -$55. Late fee of additional $10 will be applied after June 20.
Monday-Friday 10 a.m-6 p.m. No registrations taken on weekends.
Registrations may be taken at the Davies Sports Complex, 626 Goshen Road, Court House or the Martin Luther King Center on Main Street, Whitesboro.
For further information, call, 465-8743.
Cape May – The number one reason I didn’t vote for Donald Trump was January 6th and I found it incredibly sad that so many Americans turned their back on what happened that day when voting. I respect that the…