Sunday, February 9, 2025


Ocean City Troop 32 Scout Earns Eagle Rank

Eagle Scout Caleb Schumacher

By Press Release

OCEAN CITY – Caleb Schumacher, a 17-year old senior at Ocean City High School, and a member of Ocean City Scout Troop 32, recently completed requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout.
According to a release, Schumacher built, painted and installed a flag depository box at Ocean City’s Morvay-Miley American Legion Post 524.
A dedication ceremony was held Dec. 22 attended by family members, the American Legion, and the community.
“Caleb has demonstrated his leadership during many troop activities,” stated Scoutmaster Dean Mitzel. “He recognized the need for a flag depository in our town and he stepped-up to fill that void.”
The handmade wooden box, decorated in red, white and blue, will be located at the bottom of the main stairway outside of American Legion Post 524 at 46th and West Avenue.
The public is encouraged to show respect for worn and tattered American flags by utilizing this walk-up service.
“I first took part in a flag retirement ceremony during scout camps,” Schumacher said. “I also was impressed with the dignity shown our nation’s colors when my grandfather received full military honors. This led to my Eagle Scout project.”
Many local businesses and individuals helped Schumacher with project supplies and donations.
Ocean City’s Shoemaker Lumber and Sherman Williams donated wood and paint. Monetary contributions were received from Thomas Heist Insurance (Ocean City), Bayfront Emergency Physicians (Somers Point) and the Kindle Ford Agency (Court House.)
“We are pleased that American Legion Post 524 was chosen as the site for Caleb’s Eagle Scout project,” stated Post Commander Bob Marzulli. “The U.S. flag should be treated with respect when it is flying, and when it is retired. Caleb’s project ensures the later.”
Eagle Scout Caleb Schumacher, along with Post 524 Scouting Chairman Fred Distel, left, and American Legion Post 524 Commander Bob Marzulli demonstrates how to properly retire an American flag, using the new depository box.

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