Friday, February 7, 2025


Ocean City American Legion Celebrates 100th Anniversary of Flag Day

Eagle Scout David Laverty prepares to lower the flag at Ocean City American Legion Post 524.

By Doug Otto

OCEAN CITY — To honor of the 100th anniversary of Flag Day, members of Ocean City American Legion Post 524, together with veterans, members of Ocean City’s Police and Fire Departments and local Boy Scouts, at the new, almost-completed post building at 46th and Bay Avenue. A flag raised earlier in the day, was lowered at sunset to the playing of Taps, folded and then passed down a line of dignitaries.
Boy Scout Troop 79 Eagle Scout David Laverty, whose final scout project was the erecting of the flag pole used in the ceremony, passed the folded and retired flag to WWII combat veteran Jack Kreider, who passed it to Vietnam combat veteran and Troop 79 Scoutmaster John Laughlin, and then down a line which included OCPD & OCFD members, followed by local Legionaires.
Flag Day was officially established by the Proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. President Truman signed an Act of Congress designating June 14 of each year as National Flag Day.

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