VILLAS – Pre-K Our Way, a nonprofit, statewide effort that helps New Jersey’s communities bring high-quality pre-k to their children will be co-hosting a local community meeting with the Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA from 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. April 4 at the Lower Township Library located at 2600 Bayshore Road in Villas.
The meeting will provide parents, educators, business leaders, elected officials and community members both an opportunity to learn how they can use Pre-K Our Way to expand preschool access for three- and four-year olds to more communities throughout the state as well as to learn how to get involved in the community-led movement.
New Jersey has one of the most successful and high-quality public preschool programs in the country; however, fewer than 40 communities have access to one of these programs. Pre-K Our Way believes that where a child lives shouldn’t determine whether or not they have access to pre-k. An expansion of preschool under New Jersey law could bring high-quality, public programs to the communities of Cape May City, Lower Township, Middle Township, North Wildwood, Wildwood and Wildwood Crest in Cape May County.
The Cumberland Cape Atlantic YMCA (The Y) is an association of men, women and children joined together to strengthen the foundations of our community. The Y believes that lasting personal and social change comes through the investment in our kids, our health, and our neighbors.
Cape May County – Reading a letter to the editor I was rather appalled that a former teacher thinks she’s doing good by investing and advising illegal immigrants on how to further circumvent the law. A more ethical…