Sunday, March 2, 2025


New Jersey Farm Bureau Focus Week


By Press Release

New Jersey Farm Bureau Focus Week, ending Nov. 30, 2012:
State Minimum Wage: The Senate approved two similar versions of a bill increasing the state minimum wage on Thursday this week by votes of 23-16. Anticipating final passage there, Assembly leaders have posted the Senate versions for a final, concurring vote in their chamber on Monday of next week (Dec. 3). Passage is also expected there, and then it will go to the governor for his consideration.
There is speculation that the governor may defer his action on the minimum wage bill for most of his 45-day review period, and then issue a conditional veto (CV) with modest changes in early 2013. Acting after the New Year is significant, because it pushes the constitutional referendum option back a year to Nov., 2014. His CV may represent a compromise of sorts, coaxing the Democrats majority to accept a more immediate, signed bill but one less to their liking. In the interim, the State Board of Agriculture and Farm Bureau are working on the issue to have the governor consider the needs of agriculture as he determines his final position on the bill.
Hunting Seasons: New Jersey’s Six-day Firearm Deer Season opens next Mon., Dec. 3. The Six-day or traditional “buck” season runs through Dec. 8. The season bag limit is two antlered deer, but the first buck must be reported before a second buck can be pursued. Hunters who do not harvest a buck or only harvest one buck during the Six-day Season have the opportunity to take one antlered deer during the Permit Shotgun season if they purchase an Antlered Buck Shotgun Permit. The New Jersey black bear hunting season is held concurrently with the Six-day Firearm Deer Season.
All deer harvested must be reported either online or by telephone using Fish and Wildlife’s Automated Harvest Report System (AHRS). This system is now in effect for all deer seasons, and replaces the previous deer check station system. Unlike for deer, successful bear hunters must take the black bear to a designated check station by 7 p.m. on the day of the kill.
Hurricane Sandy: Farmers who have experienced damage from the Hurricane Sandy natural disaster are encouraged to contact their USDA-FSA Service Center and inquire about programs now available to support them. One program in particular, ECP (Emergency Conservation Program), has now been activated.
Probable media inquiries on “ag visa recommendations”–Immigration/AG Workers: Post-election commentary after the Pres. Obama win over Republican challenger Mitt Romney has included frequent mention of the Latino vote favoring the president. Some Republican leaders are openly questioning the strict policy stand toward immigration issues that may hinder their party from winning in the future as this demographic component grows. Any softening in the position of the Republican party added to the avowed support for immigration reform by President Obama may lead to a fresh consideration of legislation in Congress come January. Farming interests led by Farm Bureau are ready for that to happen and poised to enter the debate with its ag visa recommendations.
Christmas Trees: The start of New Jersey’s choose-and-cut Christmas tree season was kicked off on Mon. this week by Ag Secretary Doug Fisher on a White Township (Warren Co.) tree farm. New Jersey ranks sixth in the nation in the number of Christmas tree growers, with 1,150 farms on 6,000 acres producing these trees for seasonal sale. Hosting this year’s ceremonial tree-cutting event was the 172-acre Wyckoff Christmas Tree Farm, owned by the family since 1839 and now being farmed by the sixth and seventh generation of Wyckoff’s. The farm offers 55 acres of Christmas trees, and 5,000 trees for sale this season in the following varieties: Fraser, Douglas, Concolor and Canaan Firs; Norway, Blue and Serbian Spruces and White Pine. This year, the Wyckoff’s and other growers are making charitable donations of trees to support military service families and New Jersey families in need.
For further information, contact the New Jersey Farm Bureau, at The Farmhouse, 168 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608. Phone 609-393-7163; fax 609-393-7072; email; website

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