AVALON – June 14, 1777, the flag of the United States was adopted by resolution by the Second Continental Congress. June 14, 2016, American Legion Post 331 of Avalon and Stone Harbor continued the patriotic tradition of honoring the flag of the United States in its annual Flag Day ceremony. The Post Commander, Harry Clayton of Avalon, initiated the public ceremony by directing the ceremonial destruction of flags that have become faded and worn in a tribute of service and love and have, therefore, become unserviceable in a worthy cause. After the ceremonial flags had been burned, the Post Chaplin, Bill Keenan of Stone Harbor, offered a prayer in remembrance of the honor of the flag and its service to our country. Commander Clayton then closed the ceremony by reminding all in attendance of the history of our flag and its importance to our country. Post 331 is a collection point for unserviceable flags and ensures they are honorably destroyed.
The ceremony was followed by the installation of Post 331 officers by the outgoing Post Commander, Harry Clayton. The following officers were installed: Tom McCullough, First Vice Commander; Vicki Lachman, Adjutant; Bill Keenan, Chaplin; Art Faint, Historian; Deb West, Service Officer: and Bob Levins, Sergeant-At-Arms. The incoming post commander, Jim Fleischmann of Avalon, will be sworn in by the American Legion Cape May County commander at a later date. The activities ended with an open house for the community in the Post’s 1895 U. S. Life Saving Station in Stone Harbor with food and refreshments served by members of the post’s Auxiliary and Sons of the American Legion organizations.
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