Letters to the Editor: Michael McNulty of Court House writes about the ‘reality of self serving fear mongering.’ Jimmie Hollis of Millville discusses ‘thugs in Ferguson.’ Karla Kieffer of Cape May asks if bullies have affected your life. Ed Powick of Cape May responds to a previous column on ‘War and Peace in Judaism.’ Steve Nickelsberg of Strathmere has a reminder to bicyclists. In an Op-Ed, Jay Gaylin the music director of the Bay-Atlantic Symphony writes about applause.
Columns: Editor Al Campbell opines on the passage of the seasons. Publisher Art Hall talks about the impact of Casino closings on Cape May County.
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Sea Isle City – Why are we paying two construction officials hundreds of thousands of salaries and they can’t even have buildings that are destroyed by a fire demolished in a timely manner. It’s been 7 months. We…