GOSHEN — Middle Township Mayor Susan DeLanzo pitched the first ball of the season to open the season for Middle Township Baseball and Softball Association at Cape Regional Medical Center Field at the Davies Sports Complex on Saturday, April 17.
Greg White, association president, welcomed the crowd of girls and boys for all Little League teams in the township.
Frank Dougherty, baseball commissioner, administered the Little League oath to all young athletes.
Sarah Jo Ballman sang the National Anthem. Krista Hickman sang “God Bless America.”
Middle Township Committeeman F. Nathan Doughty sang “Take Me Out tot he Ballgame.”
Honorary first pitches were also made by TD Bank Assistant Vice President Scott Campbell on behalf of the bank, which donated a scoreboard for the field; Kevin Deely Vice President of Residential and Consumer Lending of Sturdy Savings Bank for that financial institution and and Kevin Rosensteel representing Burke Motors.
Keith Hickman was announcer for the event.
At the opening ceremony, and White Doughty pointed to the 6,000-square-foot indoor batting and training facility, adjacent to the field, that will allow players to fine tune their batting skills throughout the year.
Cape May – Governor Murphy says he doesn't know anything about the drones and doesn't know what they are doing but he does know that they are not dangerous. Does anyone feel better now?