Monday, February 17, 2025


Kids and Teens 4.12.2006

By Rick Racela

Rebel: youth group that empowers other youth to make informed choices about tobacco use meets the first Monday of each month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at Cape Assist’s offices in Wildwood, 3819 New Jersey Ave.  New members are welcome.
Teen Karate: Every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Call 886-6902 or 889-8105.
Teen Program: Tabernacle United Methodist Church, 656 Seashore Road, Erma. Wednesdays – Teen Bible Study 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday Night Teens, 7:30 to 10:30 p.m.
Homework Club: 3:30-4:30 p.m. Church of the Advent, Parish Hall, Washington and Franklin streets, Cape May.
4-H Teen Ambassadors: leadership, citizenship and community service projects for youth grades eight-12.  Meetings and activities held monthly. For more information: contact Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension 4-H Youth Development Program 465-5115 ext. 605.
AlaTeen: for teens with family or friends who are alcoholics: Thursdays, 8 p.m., Church of Resurrection, 200 W. Tuckahoe Road, Marmora, 547-0855.
Civil Air Patrol: ages 12-18: meets Thursdays, cadet programs, drill and ceremony, safety classes, aerospace education, emergency services. 624-0529.
Music: Impact Choir, Seashore Church, 886-6196; Kaleidoscope Kids singers, ages six-14, 465-7443; Community Concert Band, Norm Lochten, 465-8737.
NAACP: Youth Council, ages 14-21, 624-9152.
Scouting: ages five-17; Girl Scouts of the South Jersey Pines, 697-3900; Boy Scouts of Southern New Jersey, 327-1700.
Swim Teams: ages five-18: Cape May Recreation Dept., 884-9565; Crest Dolphins, 884-6390.
Tennis Clinics: for beginners and intermediates at the Wildwood Crest courts. Call WC Recreation Department at 729-8186.
Teen Services: numbers for activities, health questions; United Way, 729-2255, free directory.
Medical Explorers: will meet April 11 and 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the Maruchi Room. Open to students ages 14-19 who are interested in the medical profession.  Call Ruth Particelli, 463-2367.
Volunteer for the following groups: Animal Welfare Society, 465-3403; Burdette Hospital, Etc. Shop, 463-2000; Cape May Nature Center, 884-9590; Cape May Rec., Terry, 884-9565; County Museum, Barbara, 465-3535; Crest Haven Nursing Home, Anthony, 465-1274; Habitat for Humanity, 463-0244; Lower Twp. Rec., Zack, 886-7880; MADD, 463-1616; North Cape Center, Paul, 898-8899; Red Cross, Peg, 465-7382; United Way, Suzanne, 729-2002; Wetlands Institute, 368-1211. Adults are also welcome.
HEROES – At Maud Abrams School, Mr. Bur’s third grade class performed “This is America,” a tribute to heroes who fought for freedom and equality for all.

Spout Off

Fishing Creek – How dare this moderator block with a pay wall the information concerning services for the fallen HERO OFFICER DAVID DOUGLASS .Disheartening. Rethink who ever you are!

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Clermont – I think it’s great Musk is looking for money. That’s all the more Trump will give him with the tax cuts he gave the billionaires. This is exactly how it is designed. Fire workers, save cash, give it…

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Cape May County – Watching our current President firing civil service employees, wanting to do away with departments and allowing Musk to be in charge and cleaning house it seems as, if we are watching his tv show ….

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